Vacuum Trailers and Skids

Wachs Hydro-Vac Trailers and Hydro-Vac Skid truck mounted systems are a safe, non-destructive and cost-effective machine for precise utility excavation that requires less backfill and restoration. Wachs Hydro-Vac prevents underground damage, while offering a more accurate way to excavate soil and locate underground utilities.
Built off our Wachs Standard Builder Trailer or Skid platforms, it can be configured just the way you want it, built exactly to fit your needs and budget. Its future upgrade path means you can order what you need today, knowing that you can upgrade the trailer tomorrow. The Standard Builder allows for an ala carte selection of our standard valve maintenance modules to be installed onto our heavy duty trailer.
The Builder platform’s upgrade path offers maximum versatility – for example, configure a Hydro-Vac trailer with hydraulics today, add a ERV-750 Valve Exerciser later. Available in either diesel or gas powered models, they feature a positive displacement blower providing 500 CFM-11 in Hg vacuum and 250 gallon spoils tank to remove debris. Wachs Hydro-Vac is also well suited for locating utilities, trenching and excavating.
Our Trav-L-Vac 300 is a popular option for basic vacuum needs. Designed for valve box cleaning and excavation, the Trav-L-Vac 300 handles solid and liquid debris safely and quickly. Available as a compact trailer for towing to job sites, or as a skid mount unit ready to bolt down to your flatbed truck.
Note a valve exerciser is not included with these units. They typically include power wash (except Trav-L-Vac 300), vacuum unit and spoils tank only. Valve exercisers can be ordered separately (not available on Trav-L-Vac 300), or refer to our Standard LX Trailers or Standard LX Skid truck mount systems that includes the ERV-750 exerciser.